Thursday, January 2, 2014

Puppies Questionnaire

If interested in a puppy, please complete the questionnaire below.

Abbeyglen Golden Retrievers
Lia Zimmerman


Family name/s:
Phone #
Email Address:

1) Have you or your family ever had a dog before? If yes, was it a Golden Retriever? Did you
raise the dog from puppy hood or obtain it at an older age?

2) Do you have a color or sex preference for your puppy?

3) Do you have any other animals in your home?

4) Tell us a little bit about your family:
How many children and their ages.

5) Where would the pup or dog stay during the day when no one is at

6) Are you willing to take this puppy to socialization classes or puppy
kindergarten? Who in the family would be responsible for this training?

7) Does anyone in your family have allergies, asthma, etc?

8) Tell us a little bit about where you live:

9) Is there a fenced in yard for the dog?

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